A new restaurant, called Gather, is coming soon to the former Scratch Farm Kitchen space at 406 Garfield Street.
The owners of Gather are Bonnie and Paul Gibson, local restauranteurs of the former Pane & Vino, and the well-known Bonnie Bell’s Bistro, formerly located in the Saint Street Inn space, now Park Bistro Lafayette.
See where Scratch Farm Kitchen moved to: https://developinglafayette.com/wp/inside-look-at-scratch-farm-kitchens-new-space-on-johnston-street-across-from-moncus-park/

Gather storefront on Garfield

Space for Gathering
Gather, a counter-service concept, will feature a diverse breakfast & lunch menu created by Chef Paul and inspired by a variety of cuisines ranging from Korean, southwest, Mexican, American, and more! The menu will also feature a variety of adult drinks as well.
The Downtown Lafayette space is quaint and located just blocks away from major festival traffic. It features both indoor and outdoor seating utilizing its courtyard space.
Renovations to the space are happening now with a tentative opening date set for mid-December. Once open, the hours will be Tuesday – Saturday from 8AM – 2PM.
You can follow Gather Restaurant on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/GatherRestaurantLLC?mibextid=LQQJ4d and on IG at https://instagram.com/gatherlafayette?igshid=MTk0NTkyODZkYg==

Gather for drinks

Gather Logo

Gather here