Local Expansion

CC’s Coffee Progress Near Acadiana Mall


Lots of progress at the new, coming soon, CC’s Coffee at 113 Dillard Drive—next to the Mall.

This was previously a Popeye’s Chicken restaurant but closed a couple of years ago. See our recent (post) about this new CC’s Coffee.

I love what they have done with the place so far. It looks so much more fresh, because it is, and full potential. Is potential the correct word to use there? I couldn’t figure out how to work in the word ‘kinetic’, because science. As for expected completion date, I give it another 2 months conservatively.

In our previous post, we shared the expected look of the building once completed. We also list all of the other new and recent CC’s Coffee House’s to hit our area over the past couple years.

The photos below were taken December 27th.

A side by side view of how it looks now versus when the work started.

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