Food Truck

Food Truck

  • Taco Sisters Food Truck

    Just when you thought the food truck scene was on a downward spiral, think again. The famous Taco Sisters restaurant

  • Acadiana Grilled Cheese is Now Open

    Acadiana Grilled Cheese is now open. They are located on the corner of South Pierce & W 2nd Street in

  • Acadiana Grilled Cheese begins build out.

    Acadiana Grilled Cheese – The local grilled cheese master Dustin has officially started the build of their new place. I

  • Rice Kings Soon To Open Walk In Restaurant.

    Opening an actual restaurant. It seems like it is becoming the “new” thing for foods trucks to do recently. The

  • New Food Trucks!

    Lafayette is known for several things. One thing for certain is food and ever since Lafayette Food Truck cherry was

  • Black Pot Bus

    A new Food Truck has popped up called “Black Pot Bus” and looks as though they have officially opened October

  • Eat St. Filming in Downtown Today

    Louisiana has been a hot spot for filming and productions for a few years now. We have beautiful land, culture

  • Taqueria El Cazador Food Truck

    So this is one food truck that I haven’t seen surface. The name appears to be Taqueria El Cazador and

  • Mamma T’s Food Truck

    That’s right! Another food truck to add to our growing list of original local food trucks. The name is “Mamma

  • Mad Luann’s Food Truck

    Tomorrow is the debut of Mad Luann’s food truck in Parc Lafayette off Kaliste Saloom. They have been preparing for