Community Honda of Lafayette, currently located at 1407 Surrey Street, is well into the construction phase of its new, state-of-the-art facility. The dealership is being built on 10 acres near Lafayette Regional Airport, off Highway 90, at 2503 SE Evangeline Thruway, the former site of Cypress Tree Inn.
In our 2022 post, we shared that the new 50,000-square-foot home for Community Honda of Lafayette will feature 30 service bays, a children’s play area, a café, and many other amenities, according to The design, as seen in the renderings, closely resembles one of their newer facilities in Baytown, Texas.

Construction photo, provided by Lagniappe Inc. vs Rendering photo

A big thanks to Lagniappe Inc., a pre-engineered metal building construction company, for allowing us to use their mid-construction photos. Since the project is located off Highway 90 and near the airport, capturing good photos has been challenging. And unless I had wandered onto the property unannounced, I wouldn’t have been able to get any decent shots. I considered using my drone, but the site is about two centimeters from the airport—a no-fly zone for obvious reasons. I could have tried cutting through red tape to get approval, but waiting for these photos to be provided worked just fine.

Interior Renderings

Originally, the new facility was tentatively set for completion in 2023. As we now find ourselves in 2025, the estimated completion date is expected in the second half of the year.
For more information, visit their website at

Construction photos provided by Lagniappe Inc.