
Demolishing The Northside Royal Inn


The old Royal Inn, located at 1801 NW Evangeline Thruway on the Northside of Lafayette, is being demolished.

We tried to get any information as to what will happen to the property once demolition is complete, but we did not receive any comments directly. However, a couple of relatively recent articles from The Advocate suggests that a local development team is looking to develop the property into a dual purpose, 90-unit Creole hotel & convention center & state welcoming center. The plans for the Creole hotel & convention center could also have a locally-inspired Creole restaurant that would tell the story of Louisiana Creoles and their history.

Now, all of that information could not be confirmed as of this post, but with the clearly visible demo project happening at the property (see photos below), it seems like the suggested plans could potentially be happening.

If you pass by the Royal Inn, you’ll most likely see far less of the structure then what I am showing you in this post. Demolishing progress is happening quickly.

Royal Inn demo project
Royal Inn Demo Project

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