The DL Guy
Local Business
Bob Beans Coffee Bar Progress
The new Professor Bob Beans Coffee Bar & Ice Cream Lab at 114 Meadow...
Local Expansion
Rice Kings & Fusion Seafood Teaming Up
You have read the post title perfectly, the popular Rice Kings food truck...
Home Real Estate
Robley Place Apartments Near Complete
The new upscale apartment complex, Robley Place Apartments, at 1100 Robley Drive is...
Aerial Shot of New FedEx Center Progress
Hey there guys! I wanted to share with you an updated photo of...
Local Expansion
Cosmetology Training Center Relocates After 28 Years
Local Cometology Training Center at 2516 Johnston Street is relocating to a new...
Local Renovation
Old University O’Reilly’s Turned Event Warehouse
The old O’Reilly’s that has been vacant for some time at 1010 N...
Local Business
UL Federal Credit Union Ground Work
The ground work for the new UL Federal Credit Union at 805 Bertrand...
Local Business
Oh My Taco Is Now Open
Oh My Taco is now open at 607 Kaliste Saloom, and it’s great!...
Local Business
Picture Perfect Pools Moves Into Recently Moved Kitchen Store
Picture Perfect Pools is a new business moving into the former Acadiana Kitchen...
Local Business
Acadiana Kitchen & Bath is Now Open
If you keep up with me, then you may have read the post...