Over the past several weeks—maybe longer—we have had countless people tag us asking the same burning question: “what’s going into the old Chili’s on Ambassador?”
Original post on the purchase of the former Ambassador Chili’s: https://developinglafayette.com/wp/former-chilis-on-ambassador-acquired-by-owner-of-el-paso-pedros-restaurants/
Lots of people have speculated that it looks like it could be a new Mexican restaurant, considering that the new, updated exterior has that vibe. The fact is, the owner of the building—the same owner as El Paso and Pedro’s Mexican Restaurants—has simply updated the building’s appearance in hopes of selling or leasing it to a prospective business.

We will continue to follow up on this location, as there will eventually be something that opens up in this space. But for now, it’s nothing to really report on.
Share this with your friends, family, your meemaw, your papi, your mimi, or your pop-pop so that they will stop asking us about it!