Local Expansion

Local Expansion

  • Subdivisions are popping up everywhere!

    Lately, I feel like there has been more & more sightings and tips of new subdivisions coming up. I typically

  • 3 Little Ladies Boutique

    What do you when your internet based company grows? You grow with it. A local boutique in Lafayette/Carencro called 3

  • Ambassador Town Center Layout

    I’ve got something super special for you guys. Would you like to know how the Costco anchored development in Lafayette

  • Camellia Tower VII Signage

    I love when I spot a gem, like for example a sign of future development. Today, while heading to a

  • Zales Diamond Store.

    Zales in the mall appears to be expanding. Remember the cinnamon roll place next to Great American Cookie Company? Zales

  • Dillard’s Store Progress

    Before we went on our honeymoon, I snapped a few photos of the Dillard’s store updates. Dillard’s in the mall

  • Cafe 329

    I haven’t posted about this in a little while, but Cafe 329 now has a Facebook page https://facebook.com/cafe329. They will

  • Santa Fe Cattle Company In Negotiations

    You may have heard by now, Johnny Carino’s in Lafayette has closed. However, Santa Fe Cattle Company has their sights

  • New O’Reilly’s Auto Parts in Carencro

    We made a pass down by the Public Library in Carencro yesterday and saw a near finished O’Reilly’s. For some

  • The Bend at Settlers Progress

    We had the ability to see the progress of The Bend shopping center located on Settlers Trace and Beaullieu Drive.