Local Business
Local Business
Old Moss Select on Johnston
The old Moss Select at 4603 Johnston Street across from Legends has one of those green development signs out front.
Bead Busters & Float Rental
A Mardi Gras related retailer is coming up at 2034 Bonin Rd in Youngsville called Bead Busters & Float Rental.
Rêve Coffee in Downtown is Now Open
Featured image and other associated images are courtesy of the great Andrè with Eatthislafayette.com. The coffee roasters, Rêve Coffee, has
Gator Outfitters is Now Open
Gator Outfitters has been in business since 2012 and I’ve watched the branding evolve over the course of those few
New MC Bank soon to open in Youngsville
Featured photo courtesy of Ken Ritter’s facebook post A new MC Bank is nearing completion in front of the Meadow
Kia Dealership Progress on Southcity Pkwy
We passed by the new Kia dealership that is being built on Southcity Parkway this weekend. I keep watching this
Lafayette’s First Live Escape Game in Downtown
We here in the great city of Lafayette are always looking for some fun & entertainment. Here is something that
Ambassador Oaks Development
Featured photo courtesy of Ron Gaubert Realtors facebook. A new, potential development is in the early stages for the intersection
Versailles Square on Rue Louis XIV
A new office building/complex called Versailles Square is coming up at the corner of Rue Louis XIV & Drury Lane.
Derek Plaza P2 & Vidrine’s Steakhouse Progress
The Derek Plaza in Carencro is putting the final touches on Phase 2 of their development off Veterans Drive at