Fun Facts
Fun Facts
Lafayette Is One Of The Fastest Cities In The World
I know I am late to the party, but Lafayette has been placed in the same ranks for fastest in-home
T.J. Maxx Is Updating Their Store Front
In business and in life if you’re not current, then you’re going to be put out to pasture. If you
Happiest City and State
I came across a market study tonight that prompted me to write this little post. Louisiana as well as Lafayette
Lafayette Parish Love Shirts
Hey guys, we put together another limited time shirt for you all. This time the shirts are more along the
Survey: LUSH Store
LUSH seems to be growing in popularity, I know my wife loves it! However, complaints are that ladies from Lafayette
Is Ace back at it?
This is a little off topic from my traditional post, but interesting. Do you remember those cardboard posters affixed on
Chains vs Local
Chains vs Locals, what is the big deal here? Well, I hear a lot of folks saying negative things about