Abathecary, the popular bath and body products store located at 219 St. Nazaire Road in Broussard is expanding into the Downtown Lafayette market with its new, second location. The new store will be located at the Gordon Square Building, located at 100 E. Vermillion Street Suite 120, and will be neighboring Pavy Art Studio, Sola Violins, and Amis Grocery Store.
The new store will be smaller than the current Broussard, LA location. However, the new location will offer the same selection of products including bath salts, lotions, body butters, fragrances, and more.

“Most of our products will be produced in the Broussard location due to space restrictions, but we feel this new location will be our opportunity to grow and share our hand-crafted products in the Lafayette market,” said Abathecary co-owner Brian Duplechin.
Founded in 2019, Abathecary conducts extensive research to evaluate the purity, efficacy, and safety of both natural and non-toxic-to-skin ingredients. Abathecary is conscious of its manufacturing practices and strives to limit its negative impact on the environment. The company’s packaging is also designed to be minimal, and efforts are made to reduce unnecessary waste. Abathecary aims to produce product cartons that contain at least 50% post-consumer recycled content.

The addition of Abathecary’s new location in Downtown Lafayette will provide increased access to its products while also exposing the brand to more potential customers.
The new Downtown Lafayette location of Abathecary is tentatively set to open this month with an aim to be open before Festival International 2023.
You can follow Abathecary on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/shopabathecary?mibextid=LQQJ4d or you can check out their website at https://www.shopabathecary.com/.