The new Chick-fil-A, located at 5300 Johnston Street & Ridge Road, across from Time Plaza shopping center in Lafayette, is roughly about 57.0125% closer to completion. This new location will effectively make it the fourth Chick-fil-A store in the city with others located on LA Ave, Kaliste Saloom, and inside of the Acadiana Mall.
See previous post:

Top-down Shot of Chick-fil-A at Johnston & Ridge
One of the major points of conversation hovering around this new Chick-fil-A location and really any new location for the company is the drive-thru line size & amount of parking. Does it have enough capacity to handle the sheer volume that the company sees on a daily—except for Sunday—basis? We think it does. Judging by the initial plans and our recently acquired aerial footage of the drive-thru situation, it has plenty of capacity with its full-length double lanes. However, even with excessive drive-thru capacity, we always need to remember that when the holy chicken is a fryin’, hungry followers come a pryin’! Basically, while we believe that there will be no foreseeable traffic jams on Johnston or Ridge, never underestimate peak hours. Besides, Kaliste Saloom’s location seems to be rockin’ & rollin’ while traffic keeps on a rollin’ on Kaliste! That’s a winner-winner chicken dinner right there!
Okay okay, we have exhausted our rhyming opportunities here!

Facade nearly complete.
The takeaway here is that with a solid 3 standalone locations, Chick-fil-A should be able to balance peak hours more evenly throughout the region. And that’s on God.
The tentative completion date for Chick-fil-A at Johnston & Ridge Road is estimated to be about 2-3 months out. So it’s looking like it could be a late Summer opening!