The DL Guy
Blu Basil Opens In Less Than A Week!
Blu Basil is opening soon, really soon, like Monday, February 23rd, 2015 soon....
Local Business
Cooyons Cajun Station Now Open
A new crawfish spot on Kaliste Saloom is now open, just in time...
Local Business
New Aesthetic Medicine Clinic Has Recently Opened
The Aesthetic Medicine & Anti-Aging Clinics of Louisiana has recently opened a new...
Local Business
Bart Bernard Office Progress
Here are some recent progress photos of the Bart Bernard Attorney’s office. The...
Local Expansion
Bullrito’s Louisiana Acquired By Urbano’s
The Bullrito’s franchise, a somewhat known company by many in Lafayette has been...
Local Expansion
Dunn’s Furniture Broke Ground
Here are some photos of the ground breaking ceremony for the new Dunn’s...
Another Slab Near Hwy 90 Cleared
Slabs across the thruway area being cleared by the State of Louisiana Department...
Blaze Pizza Coming To Costco Development
A booming new restaurant called, “Blaze Pizza“, is coming soon to Lafayette inside...
Omni Surfaces Coming Up In Scott
Omni Surfaces is coming soon to Scott at the corner of E. Amedee...
Local Business
Pizza Artista Progress and Details
Pizza Artista, located at 5409 Johnston has several signs with “coming soon” on...