Back in July 2019, we posted about the Olinde’s Furniture Store, located at 200 Westmark Blvd, closing and becoming a new Ashley HomeStore. See the prior post.
This past Friday, en route to another destination, we spotted that the Ashley HomeStore logo had been installed on to the former Olinde’s building. Being naturally curious, I whipped into the parking lot to get photos of the signage to have for a possible post. While feeling like a creeper 👀, I noticed that people were going inside and seemed to look like would-be shoppers. So I casually put on my “pretend I’m just a customer” hat on (I don’t wear hats) and walked inside of the store. I was immediately greeted by Lee, the store manager, and asked if they were open. Mr. Lee, with a big smile, said that they opened that day! Well, I had to give up my cover and asked if I could grab a couple of photos of the store, for which Mr. Lee allowed, of course. But I would have taken photos regardless, just without looking obvious. And if someone like a salesperson would have asked if I needed help, I most likely would have just said “Oh, no thanks, I’m just looking around.” as any good and decent person would do, ya know?
So anyway, that’s the story about Ashley HomeStore in Lafayette. It’s open and it looks really nice inside. I took just a couple of photos, like too crazy, because we’ve all seen furniture before. However, I would suggest making a visit if you’re in the market for a piece or two.