There is land being cleared on Robley Drive next to the Southside Library on Johnston Street. Many people have been emailing and messaging in asking, “what is happening there?”. Well, I think I have an answer, at least a partial answer. There was a sign at the property before the clearing that gave a hearing date and this sign has some brief information on what could be happening. Check out the sign below… Reading the sign, I see that Bob Giles of Giles Automotive is shown on the sign and that a subdivision is proposed for this site. Could it be a subdivision, or is it something related to vehicles? I honestly have no clue. I mean, I read the sign and think houses, but then I see Bob Giles and think cars. Perhaps I am over thinking this and have been for over a month. If anyone has any information to add please shoot it over to me. Otherwise, I say that this is going to be a subdivision, because another dealership would be asanine. Hah, I used asanine, that’s my #bigword for this post. Anyway, I hope this has cleared up some of the confusion and if it has only caused more, then I apologies. I am learning as I go here.
Home Real Estate
Land Clearing on Robley Drive