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Yobe Frozen Yogurt Opens Gas Station Location On Ambassador


I just so happened to be cruising no, braking, on Ambassador Caffery yesterday and noticed a banner sign saying “Now Open” with a Yobe Frozen Yogurt cup, and a camel smiling at me. So I turned into the convenient store, ya know — because I needed fuel — but I was also curious about the frozen yogurt shop inside. I go inside and expected to find a single machine with one flavor, and maybe some sprinkles but, what I found was a decent frozen yogurt setup.

Some of the flavors of the Yobe frozen yogurt included flavors like unicorn, cookies & cream, Belgium chocolate, vanilla, and other familiar flavors. The topping choices were typical for frozen yogurt, crushed oreo cookie, cookie dough, gummies, peanut butter cup, granola, and a few others.

This is the same fueling station that Chris’ Poboys is located in at 3755 Ambassador.

You can find Yobe Frozen Yogurt at myyobe.com. Yobe is also Lafayette company. See our post about them (here).

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