Last week we decided it was time to go get some up close shots of the Whole Foods area. I am still not sure if we were allowed to be there, but it made for a slight thrill. By the way, don’t try to go there yourself. While there, we were able to see the inside of the Whole Foods building and it seems like it is coming along nicely. The shopping center attached is nice too, and I even know a couple of the tenants that have permits active there. Select Comfort, Chipotle Mexican Grill & Superior Nails seem to be some of the first. I know what you’re thinking, “of course” right? Well, you won’t be saying that when you’re in there eating a burrito and getting your nails done. Other than that, this is pretty much it for now. I will have plenty more updates as we count down the days until this place is officially open.
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Whole Foods Up Close and Personal