The Peach Cobbler Factory is coming soon to 5535 Cameron Street in Scott, Louisiana, in the Scott Oaks Plaza, next door to Piggly Wiggly. The previous tenant, Green Heart Meals, occupied the space prior to The Peach Cobbler Factory. The Scott location is not affiliated with The Cobbler House in Youngsville & Abbeville, LA.
This is a nice addition to the Scott business landscape as it provides a little extra sweetness to an already overly savory city.

Beginning in 2013, The Peach Cobbler Factory set out with the goal of producing a premium line of desserts made the old-fashioned way. The company uses fresh ingredients and takes great care in creating each dessert. The Peach Cobbler Factory will offer customers a wide selection of desserts, including 12 flavors of cobbler, 12 flavors of pudding, PUDD-N SHAKES, cobbler cookies, cinnamon rolls, and more. Get this, the cinnamon rolls can be stuffed with any of their 12 cobbler options! Lawd have mercy!

The company prides itself on maintaining high levels of customer service and providing the best possible products, as any good business should. Honestly, with a good cinnamon roll or pudding, you can curse me out and I’d still be tempted to be a customer.
The tentative opening date for the new location of The Peach Cobbler Factory is set for mid-to-late March.
For more information, visit the company’s website at or follow them on Facebook at