A new Dollar General is well underway at the corner of 610 La Neuville Road and Bonin Road in Broussard, Louisiana.
Most of us should know what Dollar General is by now. However, if you were born yesterday or moved here from abroad, then what you should know is that Dollar General (DG) sells a variety of name-brand and store-brand items, typically at a discount. In most cases, grabbing a few last-minute items, especially name-brand items, will cost you more than going to a larger store like Walmart, aka Wally World. As for the store-brand items, most are comparable or cheaper than other retailers. At its core, DG is a convenience play, positioning itself closer to buyers than its larger competitors. Some DG locations have also expanded into offering fresh fruits and veggies and an already expanded cooler and frozen section.

Photo of La Neuville Site

Photo: Costar
Typically, Dollar General stores are built very quickly. Take this location, for example. Not even a month ago, it was just dirt work. Today, the shell is nearly finished, with the interior buildout already starting. So, we expect this location to be completed and open by the end of the month or the beginning of September.