Lafayette Sports Academy(LSA), currently located at 101 Camino Road, is currently in the process of constructing a new 9,300-square-foot gym facility located at 121 Duhon Road in Lafayette, Louisiana.
Rendering by Manuel Commercial
The new facility for LSA will feature a large gymnasium on the first level, and a fitness mezzanine overlooking the main gym floor designed for parents only.
“We opened LSA in the middle of the pandemic. We were grateful to see it take off and grow within just a few years it has been open,” said owner Chase Hardy. “We were not planning on this type of expansion for a few more years. But with the growth of clientele and programs, we were limiting ourselves to what we could do!”

The local facility offers a range of classes to suit a variety of interests and abilities. From competitive tumbling, trampoline, and women’s gymnastics classes to Warrior Ninja, and they even offer preschool classes. The company says that they are committed to providing the best possible experience for its athletes and their families.
“We would like to continue being able to push our athletes and coaches to their full potential and create growth with our programs,” said Hardy. “We would like to offer more programs and host events that we are unable to offer due to current space constraints. The expansion will be very beneficial to both our current and future customers. The expansion of LSA is a dream come true for me and my family!”

One of our local sponsors, Manuel Commercial, is the design-build firm on the project. See their statement below:
“The owners of LSA have been dedicated to perfecting the details and design of their new facility. Our design and production teams can’t wait to see it come together. Fun fact, Lafayette Sports Academy will be neighbors with Sunbelt Lighting, which was our first design-build project!”
The tentative completion date for LSA’s new, larger sports facility is set to open in the latter half of 2023.
You can follow Lafayette Sports Academy at or check them out on their website at