At the end of 2020, we posted that the First Apostolic Church & Christian School would be constructing a brand new 23-acre, 50,000 square-foot campus facility, to be located at 302 Town Center Parkway off Johnston Street near the Acadiana Mall.
We have had several requests to provide an update on the property and being the gracious people that we may seem to be, we figured why not.

In our prior mentioned post, we provided an artist rendering of what the new $8.5 million project would look like and as you would expect, it looks just like that in this stage of construction as shown in our aerial photos. In those photos, we can see the overall layout and look of the campus in relation to the surrounding neighborhood and area.
The main church building is around 25,000 square feet and will feature a large, spacious sanctuary with generous seating for the congregation and state-of-the-art audio/visual capabilities. The church building will also include space for future expansion for Sunday school classes and offices.

The new 25,000 square-foot Christian school building will feature grade-level classrooms Pre-k – 12, a media/conference center, administration areas, and student common areas along with a large commercial kitchen & cafeteria that will double as a fellowship hall for the newly constructed Church.

Tentative completion dates were set for 2021, but you already know why that didn’t work out. So we expect to see this project finished by late Summer or early Fall of this year. Could be sooner, but you know.