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Luna Bar & Grill Coming Soon To Downtown Lafayette


Lake Charles-based restaurant, Luna Bar & Grill, will be opening in downtown Lafayette at 533 Jefferson Street.

Luna, meaning moon in Latin, is the key to defining what to expect when it comes to visiting Luna Bar & Grill. Dave Evans, the owner of the popular downtown Lake Charles establishment, describes the experience as multi-dimensional. There is a focus on original dishes, wall art with a personal connection to Dave’s life, and specially curated music to fit the vibe of the bar & grill on any given day.

If you’ve ever visited the location in Lake Charles, then you may have noticed that many of the signature dishes are named after family members. And signature Luna drinks are named after some of Dave’s favorite bands like the Grateful Dead. Everything in Luna is based around his universe including family, music, art, and hobbies.

The design of the restaurant will be retro-inspired, of course—it’s downtown! There will also be a quaint outdoor space for outdoor dining & hanging out. One should expect to feel creatively inspired after visiting Luna; from the unique food, music, art, and decor—it’s going to be a cool place.

Tentative opening date for Luna Bar & Grill of Lafayette is March 2020.

In the future, Dave plans to expand Luna Bar & Grill to other cities surrounding the mothership (the Lake Charles’s location). Their goal is to enter into other budding downtowns with older buildings that can be repurposed to bring in new life.

Visit their website for the menu. lunabarandgrill.com

Photos below are provided by Dave of Luna Bar & Grill.

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