The Bayou Church is officially having their grand opening services today, Sunday, August 6, with times at 8:00am, 9:30am, or 11:00am.
While the Bayou Church is not our “home church” for us, personally. We have been excited watch the progress of the church’s efforts to recover from the damages incurred from Hurricane Delta’s aftermath in 2020.
When faced with the damages, the Bayou Church made all of the right decisions to place importance on their people and to be good stewards of the money that would ultimately go towards this project. In fact, when deciding to repair & renovate the damaged spaces, the church was told that it would cost more to repair than to ultimately build new. Crazy, right? Also, the new space is more efficient in its use of square footage which really shows when walking through the space. It really feels natural and intentional and not forced. Very nice!(Borat Voice).
Some of the new spaces added include:
- A new main entrance and large central lobby
- New kids space next to the previous preschool space with a single point of checkin for parents.
- A new, centrally accessible 250-seat multi-purpose worship venue(Theater Room)—a critical space for students and many other ministries including outside availability for some governmental & non-profit use cases.
- New coffee shop, The Bayou Beanery, featuring Reve Coffee and Caroline’s Cookies, the only place her cookies are sold on a Sunday.
- Tons of new restrooms. Because an obscure, hard to find restroom is only going to lead to unholy chaos.
For more information about The Bayou Church, check out their website at
And if you want to know more details about the process, check out our recent podcast episode with The Bayou Church senior pastor, Sean Walker shown below.

Main Entrance

Main Entrance Corridor

This wall was the exterior of the main building prior to construction.

First Steps space. See website for more info.

First Steps

Entrance to auditorium aka sanctuary

Box for offering & tithing. No plates are passed during service.

Main Auditorium aka Sanctuary

Main Auditorium aka Sanctuary

Theater Room(Multi Purpose Room) used for expanded service seating, and other functions.

Inside of the Theater Room

The Bayou Beanery Coffee Shop

Cool Seating Spaces

Covered outdoor space and courtyard

Main corridor looking toward main entrance

Restrooms. Lots of them.

Single point of child checkin.

Kids Auditorium

Kids can learn production! Cool!

Total of three kids auditorium spaces

Family corridor

Family Room aka Cry Room

Inside Family Room

Small Groups Space.