I would like to first thank God almighty for keeping my head in the game, without his hand on my life I wouldn’t be where I am today. I would also like to thank you guys! If I didn’t have folks reading my post and having to put up with my bad grammar I probably wouldn’t be doing this either. I have some good friends who have also helped me along the way, believing in what I am doing & supporting me through it. Running this page and now having a website that I use to post as well, it can be tough to not let the hustle of staying on top of things wear me out. Many of you already know that I am a one man show when it comes to most of the things that I post. I don’t have employees, I don’t make millions and I don’t wear a suit & tie. My name is Ben and I am a lover of new things, especially food! Maybe not the most healthy of food, but a lover none the less. This could be why the majority of the things I post are new restaurants. I, as a person, am growing daily. I have seen and have learned a lot when it comes to developments and I will continue to keep learning. Why? Because, I find interest in it. I am not a Developer or a Realtor, nor do I aspire to be any of those. I respect those who are though, because it seems very stressful and I don’t like stress. Who does?
One of the major things going into this project was the concern of how do I keep it growing? I found out really quickly that as long as our great city keeps growing, this project will. Today, we hit 12,000 Likes on Facebook. That is super exciting for me, since I wasn’t even sure going into this that I would hit 100 Likes. One thing is for sure, I am looking forward to what other growing opportunities come my way. Everyday is a new day, get out there and make something of it.
Have a Good Friday!