Back in 2020, the year of all hell breaking loose, Youngsville’s City Government broke some dirt on a new 16,400-square-foot municipal complex, located at 300 Lafayette Street.

The new complex will provide ample space for Youngsville’s core city operations including the new police department facility, city hall, and the new council chambers.
The police facilities will include a conference room that may be dubbed the emergency operations center when it is necessary. There will also be three interview rooms and a soft interview room for sexual assault victims.

Youngsville’s City Hall first opened back in 1994. Back then, Youngsville’s population was less than 3,000 people. Today, the city now serves more than 14,000 citizens.
Tentative completion date for the new Municipal complex was set for 2021, but as many have been made aware, supply chains and workforce issues have put a lag on progress of many operations.