A new planted-based soap makery, Buff City Soap is coming soon to Lafayette at 110 Meadow Farm Road next to Nhi Asian restaurant in the Costco development.
Founded on the frustrations of commercial soaps that use harsh chemicals and animal by-products, Buff City Soap has set out to create a unique, better way to soap. Inside of their “Makeries” they use a batch of simple, plant-based ingredients to hand-make each soap product in-store, daily.

Buff City Soap’s website has many different products for online purchase as well as physical location maps to shop in-store. We tried to get a number of how many stores are in existence, but all we could find was the count of stores within a 250 radius of Lafayette, which yields about 12 locations not counting this new Lafayette location.
If you are like my wife, she loves soaps and bath bombs, especially Lush products. While this isn’t a new Lush store, this is definitely looking like a contender as their selection and perceived quality is up there with that of other popular stores.

Their stores are referred to as “Makeries”.
We do not have a firm date of completion, but we are pretty good at guessing. We estimate that Buff City Soap could be completed by end of July or late August, conservatively.
If you’d like to follow the store and their announcements, check out their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/buffcitysoaplafayette/. Also, check out their website at https://buffcitysoap.com.