Aldi, the stores everyone is talking about, is about to start construction on their new Louisiana Avenue store next to Race Trac along the I-10 area.
Normally, we would like to have physical documentation to support our post, but we are %95.337 sure that this will be Aldi. Also, it was published on Aldi’s website earlier this year that they would be building at 3200 Louisiana Avenue, which is the same address for Race Trac.

On the property next to Race Trac(seen in the photos) there is already the silt screen perimeter in place, which means that this should break ground in the next few weeks.
This is really exciting for the Northside of Lafayette as it brings a few more options for those in the neighboring communities.
We do not have any projected completion dates for the Louisiana Avenue location, but we will do our best to guesstimate. Our best guesstimate is that Aldi LA Ave will be completed and opened by late summer to early fall of 2022.

Below is the progress on the Ambassador/Kaliste Saloom Aldi location. This should be opening within the next 2-3 months or so.